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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

8 mos 11 days

8 mos and 11 days have passed since baby number 3....and I counted 3 more gray hairs.  I pulled them all out! I am not one to just dye my hair and I know for every one you pull two more growback but I've gotten so many that I don't even know how many I started with.  At this point my hair is getting so thin I might need to find a better way to get rid of them.  Maybe I should just shave my head a la Britney Spears, then my little Rabbit of a boy can't pull it out by the handful. 

Battle over cell phone has begun.  My 10 year old has lost it yet again. This time I knew where it was, which doesn't help matters as the last time she "lost" it at her mom's it came back with an extra $90 on my cell phone bill. Yet again causing an inevitable gray hair or two or three. Lesson taught this morning, next time she loses it and charges and downloads are racked up she has to pay for it. She agreed. Ha! I can't even get her to do her chores how is she going to pay a cell phone bill?

My sleep walking 5 year old peed in the corner of his room last night.  Love it!!! Problem was he shares a room with his baby brother who woke up from the smell next to his bed.  Needless to say cleaning a corner in the middle of the night without waking the 5 year old up was a success. however 8 mo old was awake, wide awake.

Mommy wars, battles fought every day. Likely hood of winning against a 10 yr old, 5 yr old, and 8 mo old on my own, slim to none.

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